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Ticket dates, design previews & 10 years of content

The important date that everyone I meet in person hounds me for is "when will tickets be live?". The answer depends entirely on us building a website, but as the wheels are in motion, here's the important date for your calendars:

👉 FFConf 2019 tickets are released on Tuesday, 16 July 2019 at 10am BST 👈

Set your clocks, add the calendar events, do what you gotta do!

A sneak at 2019's website

The new 2019 website is now in the works - if you've followed our event over the years, you'll know that every single year has it's own unique design and it's own unique FFConf logo.

I live streamed building out the backend code infrastructure for the website, which you can watch on youtube (there's some questionable language, rushed coding and talk of cats - so fair warning).

Then the frontend implementation work is handed over to Giulia Alfonsi for our ticket release date.

Here's a preview of the 2019 design (bear in mind that we use last year speaker details as placeholder):

2019 design

Introducing: The Archive

As last year was our 10th FFConf since launching in 2009 and we had collected so much amazing content, it stood to reason that the full archive should be released and made available at

The archive includes:

  • 10 years of talks, a total of 78 talks
  • Audio for every single talk, and video for 56 of them (we started recording video in 2012)
  • Articles and blogs that you've been posting (and RSS to keep up to date)
  • Some of our favourite tweets and photos
  • A little history
  • An API
  • Source code on Github and made with 11ty

The archive

So take a peruse and enjoy, and set your clocks for ticket launch!

– Remy (& Julie) 👋

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