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🗣 Add your voice to FF Conf - CFP now open

🗣 Our call for papers is officially open for speaking at the 2024 event.

Over the years we've had some amazing CFPs, and if there's a topic you feel passionate about, I'm sure we want to hear about it too.

As a speaker, new or thoroughly seasoned, we treat you with the same respect, and you can read our promise to you here.

If you've already got a ticket and your CFP is selected, of course we'll refund you (if you don't have a ticket, what are you waiting for - tickets are LIVE!).

Here's some ideas that Remy would love to see, just to get you started:

  • How to think critically / being sceptical
  • How our development practices are changing / "How I've changed my development process over X years"
  • An introduction to the Indie Web: blogs, web mentions, web rings, web components
  • The art of giving and receiving feedback

And many more here - but again, they're just ideas!

You can apply here and find out more about our entire CFP and what it offers:

We'll see you in November.

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