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Strangers today; Future friends tomorrow

I, Remy, often attend conferences on my own without knowing anyone, and… it can be anxiety inducing. I'm naturally shy and if I don't know anyone, I probably won't talk to anyone.

That's why we just sent out this newsletter for people thinking of attending FFConf alone:

FFConf has long had a reputation for being friendly and welcoming but we still appreciate that coming to a conference where you might not know anyone, or you haven't been for a while, can be a daunting prospect.

We want to share that beyond the inspiring and informative talks, how you can experience FFConf's welcoming experience.

🎀 Show and Tell with Async. Our friends at Async run a very special International Show & Tell the night before FFConf. They welcome you to give a 5 minute talk or just attend and meet fellow delegates on a smaller scale or reconnect with previous attendees. After Async, we move onto nearby Alcampo Lounge.

πŸƒ Fancy an early morning run? A casual 5K run led by friendly FFConf locals for all levels of fitness before the conference opens. See Brighton before the city really wakes up and hope for some sunshine!

β˜•οΈ For those who prefer a slower start to the day, Brighton Codebar host a coffee morning to welcome delegates for early refreshment.

🍲 Lunch with Future Friends! Remy has experienced that moment at a conference when everyone piles out of the venue in groups and he has been left eating a sandwich alone. We never want this to happen to you so we reserve a large area in two nearby pub/restaurants so just turn up and break bread discussing the morning talks.

πŸ•ΊπŸΈ Social at OhSo. You can’t visit Brighton without seeing the beach (even if it is November!) So join us at directly after the conference to continue the conversations with your new friends.

We've got you. Join us in November.

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