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🍿 Karaoke and Entertainment as Code

Our final talks and thusly the entire set of talks are now available to watch for free on YouTube. Here's the last two talks if you've been watching them these last couple of weeks.

The FFConf 2023 playlist

First is Ana Rodrigues on Exploring the Potential of the Web Speech API in Karaoke, who describes their talk with:

Isn't it frustrating when the song you want isn't available at karaoke? Let's see if we can solve this. We will look at the current state of the Web Speech API and what's coming next, and have some fun!

And finally Salma Alam-Naylor who closed our event with Entertainment as Code who describes their talk with:

This talk is about live streaming and learning in public, and about how writing silly code and building silly websites in front of a live audience is a powerful (and hilarious) way to build a community.

And that's it. Our full day is now available to watch online.

No doubt you'll hear again from us in the new year, otherwise, I hope you have a little break and we'll see you in 2024.

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