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🍿 The Very First Program and Embracing Neurodiversity

Our next talks, 5 and 6 of our 8 talks from FFConf 2023 are now available to watch online.

The FFConf 2023 playlist

First is Steven Goodwin's Ada Lovelace and The Very First Computer Program, who describes their talk with:

We all know that Ada Lovelace is credited as the first computer programmer. But what did she write? What did it do? And how does it work?

Then we had Jonathan Fielding on Embracing Neurodiversity in Tech: Building Empathy, Unveiling Strengths who says:

Unveil the power of neurodiversity. Through personal experiences and practical strategies, foster empathy, challenge stereotypes, and create an inclusive environment for hidden disabilities. Celebrate unique strengths together.

We'll be back this Thursday with the final set of talks from the day.

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