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Supporters of 2023

FFConf has been running since 2009, quite an achievement bearing in mind changes in the industry, the conference scene and (dare we say it) lockdown.

We are proud of what we have built within the community and look forward every time to seeing old faces returning year on year and also welcome new faces to the FFConf family 🥰

However, the conference simply cannot happen without the support of companies sponsoring the day. We know that times are tough right now and we were loathe to increase the ticket price so we want to say a special thank you to our three sponsors: Google Chrome, Interledger Foundation and Legal & General.

Please take a moment to check our their pages, and read their messages below.

Google Chrome

Learn how Chrome is partnering with the ecosystem to build a powerful web and making it easier for developers to build, grow and innovate on the platform. Some of Google's excellent resources: and

Interledger Foundation

The Interledger Foundation (ILF) stewards Web Monetization (WM), which aims to considerably simplify payments from site visitor to site owner. The site owner creates a wallet address and adds a specialized tag to their site. If the site visitor has their own wallet, they can pay the site owner automatically.

The ILF created a draft Web Monetization standard that is currently under discussion in W3C's Web Incubator Community Group. Igalia is creating a native Chromium implementation, and a few Chromium engineers have agreed to implement Web Monetization behind a flag as an experiment. Thus, a test implementation may be rolled out in 2024. You can find more information at

In addition, if Web Monetization interests you, PPK will be around all day to discuss Web Monetization and will also be giving a short talk in our first break.

We're delighted to announce that Legal & General will once again be sponsoring this year's FFConf. We'll be offering scholarships so we can ensure that the brightest young minds from a variety of backgrounds are able to contribute to crucial conversations about the future of the web.

We have first-hand experience of this event and, as a result, we're delighted to partner with FFConf. We're proud to work alongside the organisers to make sure this year's conference is the most successful so far!

You can find out more about Legal & General here.

Thanks for taking the time to read this post, again: creating a diverse web community is incredibly important to us and this is just one of the places where we can (all) have a direct impact.

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