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Revealing our speakers (4/4)

Finally, the last two speakers of our eight can be found below.

🎟️ 👉 Remember you can still get a ticket today.

Photo of Ire Aderinokun and Jonathan Fielding

Salma Alam-Naylor: Entertainment as Code

Salma's origin story: This is what happens when you combine a high school music teacher, a comedian, a front end developer, and the strange novelty of live streaming on the internet.

With a repeating the mantra of "I write code for your entertainment" (where I imagine visitors demand to be entertained!) you can find Salma over on Twitch live coding and on her blog.

Ana Rodrigues: Exploring the Potential of the Web Speech API in Karaoke

Ana's origin story: In the early 2000s, I needed more than my favourite band's official website. So I learned how to code in order to build a proper fan site.

Ana also has an excellent blog - which smacks a lot of indie web - (a good thing), she uses web mentions, her blog is part of a web ring (proper old school) and even has a guestbook that you can sign using webmentions.

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We have some fantastic sponsorship opportunities available with significant visibility during the event. Example options are our ice-cream sponsorship, which includes featuring your branding on our ice-cream cartons and exposure through photos and direct engagement with attendees.

Read Remy's blog post on the real impact of sponsorship on small events like FFConf.

So that's all of them. Did you guess any of our speakers from their obfuscated pictures? Let us know via our socials (Mastodon or Twitter) or join us on Discord.

– Remy & Julie 👋

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