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🍿 Designing as we want & capitalism

The first of our talks from FFConf 2022 are now available to watch online.

Perfect weekend viewing to chew down some great discussion and ideas to start on our journey to being better web citizens.

The FFConf 2022 playlist

First is Florence Okoye's Designing as we want, to create the experiences that we need, who describes their talk with:

Delight. Inclusion. Awareness. Justice. Reparation. That's a lot to embed into every workflow. Are there ways that we can combine data and research to empower the people who use our products? Is there anything from critical design that can help us work differently? Let's do some design discourse and design better for the web and beyond.

Next was Heydon Pickering on Capitalism, The Web, And You who says:

In 2020, the UK government ordered schools in England not to use material from anti-capitalist writers, likening it to promoting crime or terrorism. This talk is about capitalism, the web, and what people who can create things for the web might do to help separate the two.

These were the opening to our first FFConf back after a 3 year break, and both were an excellent start to an amazing day.

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