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Videos tomorrow, discounts today

The videos have finally been rendered and delivered and we're now in the process of uploading and submitting the talks to have the full subtitles available once they're live.

Sorry, this isn't a link to the videos themselves

We'll release the videos in pairs over the coming weeks starting tomorrow with Sharon's talk on empathy and Amina's talk on starting out in the web industry - both excellent sessions with advice that we think we can all use.

The videos will be hosted on YouTube and free to access (though after Laura's talk on privacy we're strongly reviewing moving across to Vimeo for our videos).

If you keen to keep learning, Remy has released a Black Friday discount for his online training courses - one on Next.js (with similar content from the in-person workshop) and one on learning the terminal. The discount is live today and current set at 80% off - so grab it whilst it lasts:

Terminal Training @ $19+vat (down from $99) - 4 hours of videos based on my Working the Command Line book.

Universal JavaScript with Next.js @ $19 (down from $99) - 31 videos that gets you started with Next.js for React and takes you through data driven pages, deployment and auth (note that this course does not include the latest Next@9 features but is pegged for an update in late December which is a free upgrade).

All videos can be streamed in the browser or downloaded locally and include full closed captions.

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