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2019 site live, scholarships live, tickets in 24 hours

That's right, tickets for our eleventh FFConf go live - Tuesday 10 am UK time. FFConf 2019 is a single day on Friday 8 November held in the historic Duke of Yorks in Brighton - but you knew that 😉

We've already sold some of the tickets in our super-dooper-early bird back in November last year and being a single day it means tickets are (very) limited. So if you want to attend, be online tomorrow to guarantee your space.

Inclusion Scholarships Live

We started our scholarship programme in 2015 and we're running it again this year. What we think it special about our scholarship is that we offer three scales of support: ticket, travel and accommodation - and both Julie and myself have heard some truly beautiful stories of people who have been able to attend a web conference because of this support.

If the scholarship doesn't apply to you, you can still help: please spread the word to those who could benefit from the chance to attend. You can also make a donation (big or small) at the time you book your ticket which will be used to cover travel expenses. Or gift a ticket to the scholarship programme and receive credit for your generosity!

The application is open until 16th September, and full details and how to apply, can be found here:

2019 Website Live

After giving you all a sneak preview last month, the amazing Giulia Alfonsi has been hard at work to turn the design into code and it's now live along with the first of the confirmed sessions - and importantly a "buy tickets" link will be clickable at 10am tomorrow morning (UK time).

You can see a little preview of the site below, or check out the real thing, in all it's halftone glory!

When you're on the site you'll notice the heavily affected speaker photos. That's entirely on purpose as from our second year FFConf has been content-first. The speaker's images get de-fudged as we're closer to the event (or we sell out tickets) - and you'll see the halftone effects that I spent about 3 hours doing just to do 6 photos!

We hope you enjoy the new site and we hope to find you on the site tomorrow grabbing one of those tickets 💪

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