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🍿 Milliseconds, Art and Adventures

Whether the latest political news was good or bad for you, our latest ffconf talk release should give you a welcome break!

The ffconf 2019 playlist

We have Harry Roberts' From Milliseconds to Millions: A Look at the Numbers Powering Web Performance, which describes their talk with:

We all know performance is big business, but how big? Let's take a look at some of the numbers powering the web performance industry, from both sides of the table. What do performance improvements mean for my clients, and how do we translate that into a working relationship

Then Charlotte Dan's amazing Taking The Web Off The Screen:

The rise of generative art has brought a whole new wave of creativity to the web; this talk is about the myriad of ways we can use all that coding knowledge to make cool art in the physical realm.

And finally, our closing talk of 2019, Suz Hinton's Adventures in reinventing interfaces:

Computers and other electronic devices existed for a long time before the web made its debut. Can modern web interfaces help invigorate the small computing space, while driving a new set of creative developers to invent better and more playful experiences?

I hope you're able to find time to watch these talks and enjoy the videos from ffconf 2019.

Until next year, have a great December 👋

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