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Wait…did we sell out 😱

We started on our FFConf 2019 checklist on January 3rd - there really isn't any rest from this show!

Importantly: no - we have not sold out (yet). A slew of you found our 2019 ticketing page and spotted it said sold out. Those were only early bird tickets released last November. There'll be another round of tickets released in the coming months so you can reserve your spot if you haven't already. Phew!

Most usefully FFConf 2019 will take place on Friday 8-November in the Duke of Yorks, Brighton.

We're working to pin down a ticket launch date (some time in June or July, but you'll hear first), and I've (Remy) have been approaching individuals that can speak about topics I'm keen on hearing about (web art, performance, privacy, a better web and more) and we already have four speakers on board (with another three pending). Julie has already booked the big venues (Dukes and our workshop). In a future Insights email I'll share some of the mood board design going into this year's web site.

Also this year we're launching the FFConf archive - a web site dedicated to all the content FFConf has curated since November 2009 - so you'll be able to re-watch talks and listen to audio and see whether our web jobs have changed much or not! The design is pretty functional (unlike our individual year web sites) and here's a preview of the wireframes put together by our regular web designer Chris Mahon:

If you've gotten this far - then thank you. I'll be in touch again to share progress of 2019 event organisation efforts.

In lieu of that, for those of you that have attended in the past, you'll know how much work Julie puts into organising an amazing day. If wanted to say "well done", Julie is running the Brighton marathon this coming Sunday - you can support her here.

Until next time,

– Remy (& Julie) 👋

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