Back to all Articles Oct 31 2018insights

Revealing our speakers 🗣️(4/4)

This very time next week I'll be running a workshop on universal React with a room full of eager-to-learn bunnies. I – AM – EXCITED.

There's 22 tickets left for Thursday (and at time of writing a single Friday ticket has become available) - so if you were on the fence or badgering your manager and they've forgotten: time for action!

With that in mind, I'm very pleased to introduce the final speakers of our lineup for 2018, Charlie Owen and Tim Holman:

Charlie is going to be fighting the good fight for the web this year at FFConf. I'm pretty sure most of you dear reader love the web and want to make it a better place, and Charlie has a bit of (excellent) soapboxing to do that I'd highly encourage you to take back to your colleagues and preach 🙌.

Tim has been asked if he could talk to the amazing and beautiful things the web has to offer - both creatively and just as pure fun. Tim has a fairly large collection of fun projects, one such is that curates those projects that exist purely to remind people like me, that the web is a GREAT place to make and share things.

You can follow our speakers on twitter, and please say "Hi":

And that's it. Our full speaker roster, and it all begins in 7 days time 🎉.

Get your last minute Thursday ticket while you can.

We'll see some of you there. Others will catch up on video, and others will simply wave from afar.

Until next time,

– Remy (& Julie) 👋

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