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Introducing ffconf v10 🎂

2018 marks the 10th edition of FFConf, and Julie and I (Remy) have been hard at work already to make it an excellent one.

In the lead up to the event, I wanted to share some of the behind the scenes that goes into creating FFConf, some of the challenges, heartaches and more importantly, give you an idea of what you can expect.

For those of you that have attended FFConf in the past, you'll have an inkling of when the event will run, but so it's safe in your business diary, we'll be running the event on Thursday 8th November and again on Friday 9th. Yes, we're doing it twice again ✌️

I published the dates back in late March at, and rest assured I'm working with a graphic design and web designer to make sure my own design efforts, the tear-inducing pink and giant font, will be long gone! I'm hoping to also preview some of the graphic work here with you all.

Speaking of dates, we're discovered there's now two other events that are running the same dates as us - and Julie and I have been giving a lot of thought to how that impacts our event: whether it affects attendance and how it affects sponsorship (the much needed money to secure our venue and pay a lot of the big fees).

Our next big announcement will be the ticket release date (for your diaries: approximately June) - and we've had a few conversations about pre-selling tickets before anything is announced . But, we don't like this idea. We both want to make FFConf an excellent content-driven experience, and buying a ticket blind doesn't really hold true to our values (so, you'll have to wait 😉 ).

That's it for now. We'll be in touch again with more insights. As for me, I'll continue searching for speakers to match the topics I want to hear about this year (details of which I'll share in the future).

– Remy (& Julie)

Monica speaking

If you find yourself wanting to learn something, check out Monica's talk from 2017 on Web Components 👆

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